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Place for Govt. Girls Polytechnic, Librarian's
This web page is created for the help of Librarians working in different Govt. Polytechnic's in Chhattisgarh state. The main aim of creating this page to make service procedures and library documents uniformity. The Librarians of different libraries need formats, samples, models or templates of different kinds of documents to manage the libraries. We know that they are efficient enough to design and develop the formats, samples or templates in their own. But it cost too much time from their busy schedule. This page  is design to solve this problem. It is targeted to host different formats, samples or templates of documents so that it can be downloaded by the professionals and customize it to meet their own needs. Keeping its aims and objectives in mind only .txt, .doc, .docx, .ppt, etc file formats, samples or templates will be accepted that can be modified with ease. If you have any important sample related to Library and Information Science, feel free to send their format it in this group through mail or whats app i.e.
PDF file
Our Inspiration
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